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2015 Grants Challenge

Volunteer Glendora!

The City of Glendora offers a variety of opportunities to its residents as well as those of surrounding communities, to volunteer within our parks, facilities and wilderness areas. The City would like to increase its volunteer programs in our Trails and Wilderness areas as well as individual projects by investing in an enclosed mobile tool trailer that would house various equipment needed for volunteer projects throughout the City. It is the goal of the City to get the community excited about


In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

San Gabriel Valley

City of Glendora

How do you plan to use these resources to make change?

Engage residents and stakeholders

Expand a pilot or a program

Encourage youth to volunteer, teach conservation and preservation.

How will your proposal improve the following CONNECT metrics?​

Rates of volunteerism

Attendance at cultural events

Participation in neighborhood councils

Percentage of Angelenos that volunteer informally (Dream Metric)

Government responsiveness to residents’ needs (Dream Metric)

Total number of local social media friends and connections (Dream Metric)

Attendance at public/open streets gatherings (Dream Metric)

Residential segregation (Dream Metric)

Describe in greater detail how you will make LA the best place to CONNECT.

Glendora believes that volunteering plays a great role in creating a tight knit and socially aware community. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn a new skill, help others, and relieve physical and mental stress. It is said that those who volunteer have a higher change of finding a job after being out of work than those who do not volunteer and that those who volunteer are more likely to participate in other civic engagements. Volunteering also leaves a positive impression on our youth as it is said that those who volunteer in their youth are twice as likely to volunteer later in life as adults.

Glendora has orchestrated many volunteering opportunities such as our Adopt-A-Park program that allows groups or individuals to clean up a park, donate a needed amenity such as a bench or drinking fountain, or even plant a tree. We have also orchestrated a community build day through a grant from Kaboom! that brought hundreds of community members together to complete the construction of a new playground for our Gladstone Park.

In addition to these opportunities, the City also works with the local Trails Volunteers to organize Trails Days where boy scouts, girl scouts and other community members come out to clean up the trails within our wilderness areas.

The City's Parks Division has always done a great job in making sure that all of the tools for the job are available for each volunteering opportunity. This often means that tools from their own day-to-day operations are provided for volunteers to use, however many times there are not enough to go around. The City would like to be able to expand upon its current volunteer opportunities and in order to do so would like to purchase an enclosed trailer, fill it up with tools needed for volunteering and dedicate this trailer to the Volunteer Glendora! program. The City would like to market this trailer as an easy all in one accessible option for volunteer groups, such as scout troops and other community organizations. With this program we hope to really push our community to volunteer more, which we believe will create lasting connections between people as well as connections to nature within our wilderness areas and Glendora's rich culture.

This program will also coincide with our Healthy Glendora Program, which promotes healthy lifestyles, both mentally and physically. We believe in the connection between nature and health is extremely important.

Please explain how you will evaluate your work.

The City will keep track of how many groups or individuals reserve and utilize the mobile tool shed and what type of work they intend to complete with the use of the tool shed. We hope to increase the amount of volunteering requests by providing a ready to go trailer with all of the essentials. We will use our social media platforms to market the program to our community and will keep track of how groups hear about the mobile tool shed to make sure that our media outlets are reaching our target audience.

How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed

Money (financial capital)

Volunteers/staff (human capital)

Publicity/awareness (social capital)

Community outreach