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2024 Grants Challenge

Source-to-Sea: The LA River And Me

Source-to-Sea offers K-12 students access to immersive standards-based STEM education with tailored experiential learning across four touchpoints. Priority is given to schools with the highest % of low-income students (measured by % eligible for FRPM) – a group under-represented in STEM. We provide in-class curriculum, an interactive field trip to the LA River focusing students on the interconnectivity of our urban ecosystem and various STEM career paths, and a take-home toolkit for students and families to learn and build agency together.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

K-12 STEAM education

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

The LA River watershed covers over 800 sq miles of the most densely populated, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse region in the US. Nearly all wetlands and riparian habitat in the watershed are lost. Of key concern is disparity of access and use of open space and natural areas by low-income communities and economic paths for reversing the disparity. Linking youth to the environment for the benefit of wildlife, people, and natural areas that remain is essential. Access to nature is a well-established determinant of health, yet research suggests low-income and communities of color have less access to parks and natural spaces. A 2023 study found that increased park and nature access could improve health equity in these communities. Our immersive environmental education addresses the gap and develops analytical and collaborative skills. Preparing students for STEM careers increases their agency in the river's rejuvenation, leading to a healthier ecosystem and healthier communities.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

The free Source to Sea watershed program consists of 2 in-class lessons conducted by schoolteachers with an interactive pre-recorded FoLAR educator component, a hands-on LA River field trip, and a take-home toolkit. Students learn about the River’s past, present, and possible future and how proposed projects will improve public and ecosystem health. Designed in alignment with CA Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards linked to STEM education, each module is tailored to be grade appropriate:
· Teacher Orientation: Receive and learn FoLAR’s toolkit with program materials and teacher talking points. · Classroom Lesson: The History of the LA River
· Classroom Lesson: Biodiversity: The Interconnectedness Between Living and Nonliving Things
· LA River Field Trip: 3 interactive stations: Nature Walk w/binoculars and field guides: observe birds, their surroundings, and reflect on nature impacts to our health, Macroinvertebrate Water Quality Lab: Collect water samples of indicator species and implement the scientific process to determine ecosystem health, Engineering a Water Filtration System: After learning about stormwater and pollution, they collaboratively create 3D prototypes of a filtration system and present to the class
· Take-home Toolkit includes: Advocacy, eco-Journal, Native Seedball, Art, Nature Bingo, and Volunteer activities
Digital/video story capture of students and teachers onsite experience will aid in community storytelling and impact measurement.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

We envision equitably increased access to natural spaces and generations of students transforming the 51-mile River into a dynamic, functioning ecosystem that reduces flood risk, cleans the air, cools temperatures, and supports the biodiversity essential to our collective wellbeing. We see this every day in the people discovering that the river is a place of refuge creating park-rich neighborhoods, in our children who excitedly share what they've learned on their river field trips with their parents, and in our Fellows: immersed in river ecology, building a brighter future for our county. Source to Sea could expand beyond our record-breaking 5,500 students in a school year and be actively present in every region in the county. As teachers say, “I loved how all the activities were hands-on and incredibly engaging. My students won't stop talking about the field trip and I've had parents ask about more information about the park.”

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Student pre and post surveys measure: Positive perceptions of nature, Understanding environmental concepts and climate literacy, Awareness of nature’s physical & mental health benefits, Increased agency in environmental and civic action.
Surveyed teachers: 100% would return, 100% increased student engagement of environmental topics. 90% of students agree nature is important for their health.
Web analytics measure toolkit usage and embedded registration codes track student and family participation at community and restoration events. User evaluation surveys impact future iterations.
A longitudinal study could follow student cohorts measuring: Personal Connection to the River; the connection between a healthy River and public health Action-Oriented Civic Engagement; taking action on climate change, biodiversity loss, and the threats to the River’s future
Future Generations of Deeply Committed Environmental Stewards; living in harmony with nature, and advocating for it throughout life.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 4,000.0

Indirect Impact: 2,360.0